Monday, 7 August 2017

{Printable} The life cycle of a green bean plant

The theme in USB’s class this term is animals and plants so he has been interested in knowing more about life cycles and animal anatomy. I’m not sure if they’ve started on plants yet but I have been hearing a lot about different animals!

I set up this green bean life cycle set from Safari Ltd and made a printable showing the progression in seed growth. There are a few free printables available online to go with the life cycle set but I chose to make my own so I can use the font that USB is practising in his classroom. I have also made 3-part cards printables which I will set up for USB another day and the same printable can be made into a book.

To present the tray, I showed each model and verbally said its corresponding state on the life cycle and placed the model in the correct box. The great thing about this set is that each of the models has a label on the bottom so the child can self-correct by checking the labels against their work on the sheet.

Hopefully, some time during the week, we’ll plant some green bean seeds and see if we could get some seedlings. If you use the printables, please leave a comment and link back to this blog and tag @fix.grow.create on Instagram if you take a photo :)

Links to printables:

The plant life cycle 3-part cards
Thank you for stopping by!

If you use the printable, please leave a comment and link back to the blog :)

Please follow our instagram account: @fix.grow.create