Friday, 14 August 2015

{Recipe} Wholemeal bread

This recipe is altered from Five Heart Home. I use regular wholemeal flour instead of white wholemeal flour and halved the recipe. The recipe has a 'starter' for the bread which makes it soft and yummy!

2 cups wholemeal flour
3 tbsp gluten flour
2 tsp yeast
1 ¼ cups lukewarm water
1/2 tbsp salt
3 tbsp honey
3 tbsp oil (I use coconut oil or grapeseed oil)
2 tsp lemon juice (not pictured)
1 cup wholemeal flour 
  1. In the mixer bowl, mix the first three ingredients and add the water. Mix on low with the dough hook for one minute and scrape the bowl with a spatula and mix again for a few seconds. Cover the bowl with a tea towel and set aside for ten minutes (This is the starter).
  2. In the meantime, if it is cold where you live, preheat the oven to 30°C. Otherwise, your bread can just rise at room temperature. Grease a loaf pan or line it with baking paper.
  3. After ten minutes, add salt, honey, oil and lemon juice, mix. 
  4. Add the rest of the flour and knead until thoroughly mixed.
  5. Put the mixer on low and knead for 6 minutes.
  6. Dough should be clean off the bowl and just the teeniest bit sticky.
  7. Put the dough in the loaf pan and place in the oven if using or on the counter to rise for 40 minutes.
  8. Put your timer on 35 minutes. Turn the oven up to 180°C (fan-forced, 190°C conventional) without taking the loaf pan out while preheating. If you rise your dough on the counter, put the pan in the oven while preheating it.
  9. When bread is done, it sounds hollow when you tap its bottom.
  • I always store my yeast in the fridge and only take it out right before using it.
  • I just cut a piece of lemon and squeeze the amount of juice needed into the bowl (if you do this, make sure you don't get any pips in the dough!)
  • This bread stays nice for at least 2 days but makes great toasts day 2 onwards anyway. 
  • Sorry for the lack of photos (and shadowy ones at that) I was in a rush!)
 Thank you for stopping by!

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